Monday, February 04, 2008


I'm down with Iron Man, but can it actually be considered a "Summer Blockbuster" before it hits the screen?
Earlier this evening we brought you the Iron Man Super Bowl TV Spot. Now, thanks to our friends at /Film, we have 13 brand new photos from Jon Favreau’s upcoming Summer blockbuster for your viewing pleasure.
New Iron Man Photos Hit the Web! - Film School Rejects

I mean, sure if it makes a ton of money (over 100 million US on release) then it's a blockbuster. Right now though it's really just Jon Favreau's Iron Man.

Also, Summer starts on the solstice doesn't it?

Sorry I've had a long day. Thanks for the photos though, I sincerely hope Iron Man is more fantastic (4) than the last marvel movie I watched. It was a bowl of fantastic (4) suck.  

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